The Coyote

by Pete Simons

Don Quixote in Manhattan?

As the story begins, the cranium of Don Quincy, a retired NYPD detective, has an unfortunate encounter with a heavy falling object. In his delusional state, Don believes that he has been recruited to be a superhero. Adopting the moniker of “The Coyote,” he sets out to fight evil, generally making things worse in the process.

The Coyote’s main quest is to find a woman known as ‘Dull Cindi,’ with whom he has fallen in love. Unfortunately, Cindi is also being sought by a drug kingpin and his two unusually intelligent henchmen, because they believe she may have witnessed a murder they committed. Along the way, The Coyote meets a homeless man named Pancho Sanchez, who helps him in his quest.

Any similarities to the tale of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes are purely coincidental. Or not.

Read the first three chapters! No obligation; no salesperson will call. Click here!

Featured Video

Announcing the publication of "The Coyote" - a new novel by Pete Simons

About the Author

>Pete Simons is the author of The Coyote, White as Snow, and Uncooperative Characters. A graduate of Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, he is an ex-finance professional who worked in the petroleum business and the agricultural industry. After retiring from finance, he joined the Teach for America program and attempted to teach high school physics, landing him in therapy with a whole new appreciation for high school professionals. He lives in Minnesota but grew up in New Jersey, which explains a lot. But to know what it explains you would have to know him. Mr. Simons evidently learned nothing whatsoever from the process of publishing three works of fiction, since he is currently mulling ideas for a fourth one. He is also actively searching for a new biographer.

About the Illustrator

Rosie Simonse

Rosie Simonse is a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California, where she earned a bachelor's degree in liberal arts. She is currently working on a Master of Fine Arts degree in graphic design at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. In the interest of full disclosure, she happens to be the author's daughter. But that isn’t her fault.


The following YouTube videos are related to various plot elements in "The Coyote." Sort of. They are intended to enhance your appreciation of the novel, although some may leave you scratching your head and wondering why I have chosen to include the link. Don't worry about it. Go with the flow.